Energy Efficiency and Climate Change

Within the case of energy efficiency and climate change, we encourage projects that make innovative and sustainable energy accessible to everyone.

We focus on providing value to the country's economy by financing energy efficiency, climate change, and renewable energy investments!

We are focusing on working for the future with energy efficiency financing projects

With the rapid loss of natural resources as a result of climate change, guaranteeing energy security via boosting energy efficiency has become one of our country's most important concerns. We are proud to represent Turkey at the Rio+20 United Nations Sustainable Development Summit with our EKOkredi product, which was selected as the best sustainable practice by the Ministry of Development in 2012, and to lead the way in energy efficiency finance.

We work on projects that make modern and sustainable energy accessible
We finance energy efficiency investments, included explicitly in the 11th Development Plan, with products and services in line with the purposes of SKA-7 and SKA-17, which express the titles of UN's Accessible and Clean Energy, Climate Action and Partnerships for Purposes, without compromising service or production quality. We provide project solutions that reduce energy consumption for each product and service.
We offer value to energy efficiency and climate change projects for sustainable development.
We participate in our country's energy efficiency and climate change development plans and strategy documents and introduce energy efficiency to thousands of individuals through EKOkredi.
Number of clients we financeNumber of clients we finance


Financing provided for energy efficiency investmentsFinancing provided for energy efficiency investments

+1,7Billion TL

Number of houses insulated within the scope of EKOkrediNumber of houses insulated within the scope of EKOkredi


Natural gas savings in insulated housesNatural gas savings in insulated houses

144Million m3

We put importance on social and environmental impact measurement of the loans we offer and we continuously develop Social and Environmental Management System created under the guidance of International Finance Corporation which is a World Bank Group institution as an indispensable part of our business processes. Our Bank is one of the first commercial banks that applied the Social and Environmental Management System in credit facility processes in Turkey, avoiding lending sectors that would damage the environment and social life under international norms and guiding customers to make environmentally and socially conscious investments. Within this scope, we request continuous feedback and follow-up to improve the negative consequences and sustain the positive consequences and aim to contribute to the development of our customers by increasing sustainability awareness.

We aim to support all types of energy-saving investments with EKOkredi developed as the first product in Turkey in 2009 under our energy efficiency financing efforts and claim nature and our common future by raising social awareness about the importance of energy efficiency. Accordingly, we provide support to all types of projects that increase energy efficiencies such as insulation, solar and wind power systems, waste treatment and waste management, natural gas conversion, class A electric devices, efficient heating and cooling systems, efficient lighting systems and modern irrigation equipment.

In addition to supporting efforts to increase awareness about energy efficiency by financing these projects, we regularly work on decreasing our own carbon footprint under CDP Climate Change Program since 2010 and report our carbon emission measurements to international investors.

As Şekerbank, we do not finance coal, which significantly affects global warming as a result of high carbon emissions, with a sustainable finance approach, and we do not provide financing for “coal power plants, mines and coal transportation (land, air and sea) activities within the framework of our Responsible and Sustainable Banking approach.

We are here to support you get the most out of your energy-saving and climate-change investments.

EKOkredi for Energy Efficiency Investments

Şekerbank supports investments in the direction of energy savings and protects our shared future and nature by raising social awareness about the importance of energy efficiency and climate change through EKOkredi, which was developed as a first in Turkey in 2009 within the scope of energy efficiency financing.

Insulation credit to save energy!

EKOkredi Yalıtm can assist you in financing the insulation of your windows, roofs, walls, and doors, saving you up to 50% on your energy expenditures.

Air conditioning solutions with Efficient Heating & Cooling loan

With an EKOkredi effective heating and cooling loan, we can finance your investments in natural gas subscription projects, heat sharing systems, air conditioning, combi boiler, boiler, and radiator installations.

Take advantage of solar energy credits to recover energy!

You can use your energy and effort more efficiently with the EKOkredi solar energy loan for heating systems and electricity generating.